THE WISDOM OF SOLOMON I Kings 10:4-5"When the Queen of Sheba had seen the wisdom of Solomon, and the temple that he had built, there was no more spirit in her" (I Kings 10:4,5).SHE HEARD in her own country about the glory of Solomon's kingdom, so...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
WATCHING YOU An old preacher addressed a few believers who had confessed the Lord in baptism and said to them, "My dear brethren, you have today professedly put on the Lord Jesus Christ. God help you to be circumspect in your walk and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
WORDS OF COMFORT Our Lord has been pleased to call away to glory many of our dear loved ones. No words of men can make these trials easier, dry your tears, nor dispel your loneliness. But perhaps I can remind us of some things that we know and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
PEACE ON EARTH Any man or woman who claims continual, uninterrupted joy, rest, and peace in this world is either not telling the truth or has no connection with reality! True joy, rest, and peace are things we enjoy in Christ IN THE MIDST of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
IT IS A FACT When, by His grace, I know WH0 HE IS, I better understand who and what I am!When I know WHAT HE DID in obedience and death, I realize what I cannot do!When I understand WHY HE MUST SUFFER, I under stand how God can be just and justify...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"AND THE WORD WAS MADE FLESH" John 1:14 "And the word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld HIS GLORY, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth." John 1:14My friends, if you will carefully consider it,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD" JULY 18, 1680 Three days before he was killed at Airsmoss because of the gospel he preached, Pastor Richard Cameron preached from Psalm 46 and made this statement: "Be still and know that I am God. This text...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
DEFINITE AND EFFECTUAL ATONEMENT What a person believes that our Lord Jesus ACTUALLY ACCOMPLISHED at Calvary will determine (in that person's mind) for whom Christ suffered and died! The Scriptures say, "He PUT AWAY SIN by the sacrifice of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
JACOB HAVE I LOVED, BUT ESAU HAVE I HATED You will sometimes hear those who deny the wrath of God and preach the universal love of God for all men declare that what this verse in Romans 9:13 really says is, "God loves Jacob and He loves Esau...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"SAVING FAITH ALWAYS ACCOMPANIED BY SAVING GRACES" The same gospel of the grace of God in our Lord Jesus Christ, which saves sinners, also sanctifies them and makes them obedient sons. A faith which does not produce obedience to God's word and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]