Grace Community Church of Bowling Green
Nathan Ross | Bowling Green, Kentucky
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5:30 pm - This week, dinner at the Wilson's. Study at 7:00 pm to follow. Call for details...781.2595
Women's Study Group meets at the Nelson's. Call for details: 781.2595 or Liz at 842.2551
The wedding of Carolyn Fox and Dennis Toland in Evansville, Indiana. Call for details: 781.2595
5:30 pm - Wilson's home for dinner. This week ... sandwiches and light fare. Bible Study to follow: Distinctives Series; "Women's Vital Role". Call for details: 781.2595.
Womens study at the Nelson's. Call for details: 781.2595 or Liz at 842.2551
9:00 at the office. Training for use of EYL resources in mentoring opportunities. Call for details: 781.2595
9:00 am ... trip to Patton Museum, Fort Knox, Kentucky. Junior High and High School students are invited. Call for details: 781.2595.
2:30 pm at Paul Walker Golf Course, Covington Woods Park. Call for details: 781.2595
5:30 pm ... Dinner at the Wilson's. Grilled chicken and fixins. 7:00 study ...The Distinctives of Grace: This week - - Biblical Eldership. Call for details: 781.2595
2:00 at Knicely ... a meeting for all deacon candidates. Call for details: 781.2595