We may no longer be on a slippery slope, it is more like a free fall. A good Boy Scout knows that his compass must be calibrated in order for it to be helpful. Every Boy Scout knows the value of a working compass.Let the compass operator determine... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Here are a few boring statistics of the 2013 year in blogging here at theBridge followed with some explanations of what to expect in 2014 (Lord willing). This is actually my first full year with my blog being hosted at WordPress. I began blogging at... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
The same-sex marriage debate is out of the gate in Idaho. Church of the Lord Jesus Christ don’t get lost in the discussion from both sides. It is clear that all of us could use a little lesson in logic. Get ready saints, you will soon have an... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Stop Trying to Save Yourself As one devoted to giving my attention to the study of the Bible and the preaching of the Bible to a weekly gathering of Magic Valley residents, I hope to be clear and concise on a matter of greatest importance. It is... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
This is what happens when Baptists don’t remain in their God appointed post speaking doctrinal clarity to their communities. I’m not picking a fight with First Baptist Church, SLC. I respect that they are exercising their autonomy from... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
The events of this past week have been most amazing. In the free market, A&E, Â fires an actor for comments he makes in an interview, the social media world lit up to “stand with Phil”. (Here’s my take on that whole matter). In... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
UPDATED at 10:40AM Mountain Time: If you have to chose between articles to read on this issue choose this one at Desiring God. Well put and worth reading: This is Not Worth Quacking About. _________________________________________ My original post:... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
If you are not aware of this opportunity yet, you should consider it. On Monday’s, Provider Farms LLC deliver fresh farm items from their farm to the parking lot of Eastside Baptist Church in Twin Falls. Renee and I will be enjoying this... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]