Two valuable truths regarding Jesus' return: We should expect a delay. We should be concerned about overemphasizing Jesus' return to the point where it leads us into error. The problem today, however, is that the world is sleeping. Many Christians...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The dread of facing a magistrate when you are guilty, doesn't seem to last when you are free. This seems to be the case when people think about the coming judgement of Christ. No dread. No concern. No change in life. Even in a lesser tragedy,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
So when is the kingdom actually going to come? Maybe you are even wondering whether Jesus will every come back at all. Are you like the small child whose mom comes late to pick him up from school every day, and he cries every day because he thinks...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Throughout God's glorious creation and the mess man has made of it, God has committed Himself to His people through His covenants. He commits Himself to Noah, Abraham, and Moses. His people were to image God among the nations. As Adam was God's...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
If 87% of the Bible is the Old Testament, it is obvious that we should understand the Old Testament! What is the Old Testament? It is a story. It opens with God and His beauty. he is preparing the created order for Jesus. His kingdom is coming....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
You may have no problem with the fact that Jesus rose from the dead. But as you walk through a cemetery, you either doubt that Christians will, or you at least wonder how it will happen. There are good reasons to believe that people will rise...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What does it mean to trust God? What is happening in the heart of a person who believes? It looks like humility. Jesus, the Master, serving His servants. Having this attitude helps you to appreciate the grace of God and that makes you able to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
True friendship relationships require true faith. Faith is connected to rebuking and to forgiving. Do you connect faith to your relationships? All human relationships must be seen in a triangular shape--me, you, and God. Faith reaches out to God...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Why don't we fixate on miracles at Living Hope Church? Do we not believe God has the power to perform miracles today? No. We know the God of endless power. Rather, we refuse to fixate on physical healing and the like because we believe God's...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
There just doesn't seem to be much in the way of consequences for living an indulgent life. Also, there doesn't seem to be much in the way of reward for the poor, but righteous life. But, this picture is skewed. You need to take eternity into your...[ abbreviated | read entire ]