Blessing the LORD who Gives and Takes AwayI. The RealityII. The ResponseIII. The Reason Scripture Reading: Job 1Text: Job 1:21b Psalter Numbers: 190, 331, 202, 152
The Lame Walk: Proving Jesus’ Authority to Forgive I. The Amazing Event II. The Accusatory Response III. The Affirming Wonder Scripture Reading: Mark 2:1-17 Text: Mark 2:1-12 Psalter Numbers: 363, 233, 66, 418
My Help Comes From Jehovah I. The Help I Need II. The Helper I Know III. The Hope I Have Scripture Reading: Psalm 121 Text: Psalm 121:1-2 Psalter Numbers: 132, 142, 151, 344
Shining as Lights in the World I. The Meaning II. The Manner III. The Result Scripture Reading: Philippians 2Text: Philippians 2:14-16 Psalter Numbers: 227, 371, 73, 51
Saved in Hope I. The Meaning of this Hope II. The Salvation We Have in Hope III. The Patient Waiting of our Hope Scripture Reading: Romans 8 Text: Romans 8:24-25 Psalter Numbers: 115, 363, 29, 247
Praising God in the Midst of Lions (Applicatory) I. The Meaning II. The Reason III. The Faith Scripture Reading: Psalm 57 Text: Psalm 57 Psalter Numbers: 55, 124, 154, 155
The Gospel of the Lord’s Supper (Communion) I. The Nourishing Sacrifice II. The Instituted Supper III. The Strengthened Believer Scripture Reading: Matthew 26:17-30 Text: Lord’s Day 28 Psalter Numbers: 279, 65, 164, 203, 251
The Pale HorseI. Its Identity II. Its Running III. Its Purpose Scripture Reading: Revelation 6 Text: Revelation 6:7-8 Psalter Numbers: 373, 249, 246, 407
The White HorseI. Its IdentityII. Its Victorious Running III. Our Thankful Response Scripture Reading: Revelation 5:1-6:2 Text: Revelation 6:1-2 Psalter Numbers: 250, 111, 194, 49
Ephesians - The Blessed Church of Christ (3): Sovereignly Chosen unto Sonship I. God’s Sovereign Election of Us II. Our Blessed Adoption through Christ III. Our Humble Praise to God Scripture Reading: Romans 8:12-30 Text: Ephesians...[ abbreviated | read entire ]