Taking Dominion Through Faith - Day 58 The Value of Wisdom - Proverbs 3:14-15 Do you trust God? Before you answer the question, read our text again. According to Dr. Solomon, wisdom is in a category all to herself. Wisdom is so unique, so...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Taking Dominion Through Wisdom - Day 57 The Key to Happiness - Proverbs 3:13 If I could offer you the key to happiness, would you take it? Many would take on this proposition assuming there were no strings attached and how happiness is defined....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Taking Dominion Through Wisdom - Day 56 How the New Testament Applies the Proverbs - Proverbs 3:12 In Hebrews 12:1-11, the author applies the Proverbs to Christians, who were going through immense persecution. Due to their commitment to Christ,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Taking Dominion Through Wisdom - Day 55 Reasons for God's Discipline - Proverbs 3:12 Another reason God brings adversity into our lives is to keep our eye focused on Him. Our faith needs to be solely upon the Lord since He is the only reliable...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Taking Dominion Through Wisdom - Day 54 Reasons for God's Discipline - Proverbs 3:12 Our heavenly Father, in His infinite wisdom, gives us difficulties and adversities to strengthen our patience and endurance. The Bible, for example, holds out Job...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Taking Dominion Through Wisdom - Day 53 Reasons for God's Discipline - Proverbs 3:12 Today we want to look at another reason that God disciplines those He loves. Sometimes God brings adversity into our lives in order to bring us back to obedience....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Taking Dominion Through Wisdom - Day 52 Reasons Why God Disciplines Us - Proverbs 3:12 Solomon makes it clear that God disciplines those He loves. Since this is the case, does the Bible tell us why? The answer is - yes. Last time we noted that God...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Taking Dominion Through Wisdom - Day 51 Reasons Why God Disciplines Us - Proverbs 3:12 Over the last couple of days, we have been looking at the principle that God loves those He disciplines. Starting today, we will begin to address the question -...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Taking Dominion Through Wisdom - Day 50 How the Wise Think of God's Reproof - Proverbs 3:12 God's Word is clear, God loves those He disciplines. Therefore, if you are sinning at will without God's hand of discipline weighing heavy upon you, then...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Taking Dominion Through Wisdom -Day 49 The Mark of Sonship - Proverbs 3:12 When we think of God's love, we typically think of His blessings. We think of His love demonstrated by sending Jesus to atone for sin. We think of His love given to us...[ abbreviated | read entire ]