Loveland Protestant Reformed Church
Rev. Arend Haveman | Loveland, Colorado
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Prof. Doug Kuiper I. Jehovah’s Battle II. David’s Confidence III. Israel’s Deliverance Read: 1 Samuel 17:1-11, 20-27, 32-37, 42-54 Text: 1 Samuel 17:45-4
1. The Firm Resolve 2. Those Who Resolve 3. The Sure Result Read: Psalm 78:1-16 Text: Psalm 78:4-8
1. Their Identity 2. Their Preservation 3. Their Confidence Read: John 10:1-30 Text: John 10: 27-30
1. The Necessity 2. The Nature 3. The Incentive Read: Proverbs 23:12-28 Text: Proverbs 23:12-14
1. The Offense 2. The Saving Outcome 3. Sovereignly Ordained Read: Matthew 26:26-75 Text: Matthew 26:31
I. A Certain Suffering II. An Incomparable Glory III. A Necessary Reckoning Read: Romans 8 Text: Romans 8:18
I. His Exaltation II. His Relationship to Us III. His Comforting Promise Read: Psalm 110 Text: Lord's Day 19
I. The Profound Gift II. The Privilege Assured III. The Lasting Blessedness Read: Galations 4 Text: Romans 8: 15-17
I. Who Are Led II. How They Are Led III. The Effects of Being Led by the Spirit Read: Romans 8: 1-18 Text: Romans 8: 14
I. The Evil Lustings II. The Terrible Reason III.The Typical Significance Read: Numbers 10:33 - 11:35 Text: Numbers 11:4-6