THE GREATEST MISSIONARY John 20:21 1. He Came the Greatest Distance 2. He Left the Greatest Splendour 3. He Made the Greatest Sacrifice 4. He Enjoyed the Greatest Success THE SUFFERINGS OF CHRIST Matthew 26:36; John 19:13; Matthew 27:33 1....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Studies in the Judges Samuel – Family Disappointment (Message 5) 1 Samuel 8:1–4 1. The EXPECTATION of Samuel – v.2 2. The DEGENERATION of his Sons – v.3 3. The PETITION of the Elders – v.4
PSALM 24:5a THE PRICE OF REVIVAL 1. PURITY OF HEART – Psalm 24:3–5 2. UNITY OF SPIRIT – Psalm 133 3. ENTREATY OF SOUL – Jeremiah 33:3 The Tender Plea of Christ to Troubled SoulsMatthew 11:281. A PLAIN INVITATION2. A...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Studies in Judges Samuel’s Recognition of Divine Intervention (Message 4) 1 Samuel 7:12 (Reading vv.7–17) 1. The OPPOSITION of the Enemy – v.7 2. The REALISATION of the People – v.8 3. The SUPPLICATION of the Prophet...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Evening - Testimony of Rev Jim Hartin Studies in Judges Samuel – The unfailing Intercessions of The Man of God (Message 3, Part 2) 1 Samuel 7:1–11 [Text – vv.5,8,9] 1. A HOLY DETERMINATION – v.5 2. AN HONOURABLE PETITION...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We cannot broadcast our social on Sermon Audio for technical reasons it can be viewed live on our facebook feed http s://w ww.fa ceboo /pg/h ebron fpc/a bout/ ?ref= page_ inter nal
Studies in Judges Samuel – The Unfailing Intercessions of the Man of God (Message 3) Reading 1 Samuel 7:1–11 [Text – v.5,8,9] 1. A HOLY DETERMINATION – v.5 2. AN HONOURABLE PETITION – v.8 3. A HAPPY BENEDICTION...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Samuel (Message 2) – A Young Man In Touch With God 1 Samuel 3:10–21 1. An EARNEST CRY – 3:10 2. An ENCOURAGING CONSOLATION – 3:19 3. An EXTRAORDINARY COMMUNICATION – 3:21
Dr Fred Greenfield will be the first in our retired ministers testimony season Studies in the Judges Samuel – A Young Man Called of God 1 Samuel 3:1–10 1 The CONDITION of Samuel – v.7 2. The CALL of Samuel – v.8-10 3. The...[ abbreviated | read entire ]