Theme: Hell is the Lake of Fire Text: Revelation 20:15 Scripture Reading: Rev. 20 Points: 1. What are its terrors? 2. What are its pains? 3. Who are cast into it?
Scripture: Revelation 20 Text: Revelation 20:11-15 Theme: The Final Judgement 1. Who is the judge? 2. Who is judged? 3. What is the basis of the judgement? 4. What is the verdict?
Theme: God's Righteousness and Mercy Toward Us Scripture Reading: Isaiah 53 Text: Is. 53:5; Article 20 Points: 1. Whom did God Send? 2. Against whom did God manifest His justice? 3. On whom did God pour out His mercy and goodness?
Scripture: Genesis 15 Text: Genesis 15:17-18; Belgic Confession Article 19 Theme: Christ's Two Natures 1. How are they distinguished? 2. How are they united? 3. What do we then confess of Jesus?
Theme: The Millennium (Thousand Years) Scripture Reading: Revelation 20 Text: Rev. 20:1-10 Points: 1. What happens to Satan during this time? 2. What are the souls of the deceased saints doing? 3. What happens when this time expires?
Scripture: Genesis 3:1-15 Text: Genesis 3:15; Belgic Confession Articles 17 & 18 Theme: Recovery Through Jesus Christ 1. What was God's promise to fallen man? 2. How did God fulfill that promise?
Theme: Church Discipline Text: 1 Cor 5:13b; 2 Cor. 2:7 Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 5; 2 Corinthians 2:1-11 Points: 1. Who is involved? 2. What is the final remedy? 3. Is there any hope for restoration?