Ebenezer Free Reformed Church |
Dundas, Ontario, Canada
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Page 1 | Page 43 · Found: 758 entries · |
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 Pastor: Rev. L.J. Bilkes Bible Passage: John 16:1-15 Theme: What We Believe of the Holy Spirit Text: John 16:8-14 Belgic Confession, article 11 |
 Pastor: Rev. L.J. Bilkes Bible Passage: Hebrews 5:11 - 6:20 Theme: My Anchor Holds Within the Veil Text: Hebrews 6:19a |
 Pastor: Rev. P. VanderMeyden Bible Passage: Romans 7:1-25 Theme: Why Preach the Law? Lord's Day 44, QA 115 |
 Pastor: Rev. P. VanderMeyden Bible Passage: Jeremiah 31:1-20 Theme: Repentance the the Lord Hears Text: Jeremiah 31:18-20 |
 Pastor: Rev. L.J. Bilkes Bible Passage: Psalm 23 Theme: Followed by Goodness and Mercy Text: Psalm 23:6 |
 Pastor: Rev. L.J. Bilkes Bible Passage: Psalm 23 Theme: Overflowing Abundance at the Table Text: Psalm 23:5 |
 Pastor: Rev. L.J. Bilkes Bible Passage: Psalm 23 Theme: Comforted in the Valley Text: Psalm 23:4 |
 Pastor: Rev. L.J. Bilkes Bible Passage: Psalm 23 Theme: Restored by the Shepherd Text: Psalm 23:3 |
 Pastor: Rev. W.E. Klaver Theme: Leven in de Eindtijd |

