Elijah The Tishbite (1) Standing Before Jehovah God Rev. Steven Key I. Elijah’s Appearance II. His Message III. His Power Read: I Kings 16:23 - 17:7 Text: I Kings 17:1 Psalter Numbers: 368, 332, 336, 129
Honoring Faithful Servants Rev. Steven Key I. Who They Are II. The Honor They Deserve III. The Reason For Such Honor Read: Philippians 2:12-30 Text: Philippians 2:29-30 Psalter Numbers: 255, 74, 113, 354 (2nd tune)
Old Testament Revelations of Christ’s Coming (4) The Rising of Jehovah’s Prophet Rev. Steven Key I. Pictured by Moses II. Manifest in Many Prophets III. Fulfilled in One Jesus Christ Read: Deuteronomy 18:9-22; Acts 3:19-26 Text:...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Holy Spirit, Christ’s Gift Rev. Steven Key I. His Exalted Person II. His Blessed Work III. His Comforting Presence Read: John 16:1-15, I Corinthians 12:1-13 Text: Lord’s Day 20 Psalter Numbers: 375, 341, 141, 316
Old Testament Revelations of Christ’s Coming (3) The Star Out of Jacob Rev. Steven Key I. His Brilliance II. His Influence III. His Coming Read: Numbers 24 Text: Numbers 24:17 Psalter Numbers: 345, 406, 3, 302
Our Enthroned Christ Rev. Steven Key I. His Exalted Position II. His Supreme Lordship III. His Promised Coming Read: Hebrews 1:1- 2:10 Text: Lord’s Day 19 Psalter Numbers: 267, 142, 279, 207
Old Testament Revelations of Christ’s Coming (2) I. The Certain Prophecy II. The Sovereign Ground III. The Blessed Fulfillment Read: Genesis 49 Text: Genesis 49:8-12 Psalter Numbers: 76, 231, 238, 124
6:00 p.m. Worship Service Coming to Grips With God’s Goodness...to Israel (8) Drawing Near to God I. A Great Need II. A Firm Resolve III. A Beautiful Result Read: Psalm 73 Text: Psalm 73:27-28 Psalter Numbers: 222, 370, 334, 202
9:30 a.m. Worship Service The Threefold Benefit of Christ’s Resurrection I. Victory Over Death II. Power Unto New Life III. Promise of Glory Read: I Corinthians 15:1-28 Text: Lord’s Day 17 Psalter Numbers: 259, 170, 29, 409