Ebenezer Free Reformed Church |
Dundas, Ontario, Canada
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Page 1 | Page 40 · Found: 758 entries · |
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 Pastor: Rev. L.J. Bilkes Bible Passage: Romans 8:18-32 Theme: The All-Giving God Text: Romans 8:32 |
 Pastor: Rev. L.J. Bilkes Bible Passage: Isaiah 2:1-5 Theme: The Glory & Beauty of the Church Foretold Text: Isaiah 2:1-5 |
 Pastor: Rev. L.J. Bilkes Bible Passage: Romans 7 Theme: The Christian Confessing his Wretchedness Text: Romans 7:24 |
 Pastor: Rev. L.J. Bilkes Bible Passage: Romans 2:1-16 Theme: The Riches of God's Goodness Text: Romans 2:4 |
 Pastor: Rev. L.J. Bilkes Bible Passage: Genesis 1:26-31; 3:1-19 Theme: Man - What the Bible Teaches Text: Ecclesiastes 7:29 Belgic Confession, article 14 |
 Pastor: Rev. L.J. Bilkes Bible Passage: Micah 6:1-8 Theme: The Question of What God Requires Text: Micah 6:8 |
 Pastor: Rev. M. Roberts Scripture Reading: Hebrews 1:1 - 2:3 Text: Hebrews 2:3 |
 Pastor: Rev. M. Roberts Bible Passage: Romans 8:24-39 Text: Romans 8:37 |
 Pastor: Rev. L.J. Bilkes Bible Passage: Numbers 23 Theme: A Question to Confirm the Reliability of God's Word. Text: Numbers 23:19b |

