Psalter 317, 376, 418, 387 Scripture: Galatians 3:1-12 Text: Galatians 3:1-5 Sermon: “Galatians (7) A Fatherly Admonition” 1. Seeing the Problem 2. The Only Solution 3. Instructive Practice
Psalters 163, 170, 52, 29 Scripture: Matthew 26:17-29 Text: LD 29 and 30a Sermon: “This is my Body” 1. What This Does Not Mean 2. What This Does Mean 3. Feeding on Christ
Prof. Brian Huizinga Psalters 277, 217, 311, 51 Sermon: “How I Am What I AM” Scripture: I Corinthians 15:1-23 Text: I Corinthians 15:10 1. Grace and My Identity 2. Grace and My Labor 3. Grace and My Confession
Psalters 55, 187, 257, 221 Scripture: Psalm 98; Revelation 20:1-5 Text: Lord’s Day 19b Sermon: “The Comfort of Christ’s Return to Judge” 1. Due to What it is For Us 2. Due to What it is For God 3. Due to What it is For Christ
Psalters 246, 268, 102, 110 Scripture: Luke 12:51-13:9 Text: Luke 13:1-5 Sermon: “Coronavirus and the Call to Repentance” 1. The Sign 2. The Call 3. The Effect
Love Covers a Multitude of Sins Rev. Cory Griess Read: 1 Peter 4 Text: 1 Peter 4:8 1. The Meaning 2. The Application to Marriage 3. The Urgent Necessity
Coronavirus and the King Rev. Cory Griess Read: Rev. 4:1-5, Rev. 5 Text: LD 17, 18a Revelation 5:1-7 1. Who is Worthy? 2. The Lion/Lamb is Worthy 3. The Proper Response
Psalters 408, 204, 166, 124 Scripture: Ephesians 5:15-33 Text: Ephesians 5:23, 25-29 Sermon: “Marriage (4) The Husband’s Loving Headship” 1. God-Given Role 2. The Heart of Headship 3. The Possibility of Living It
Psalters 134, 110, 243, 277 Scripture: Lamentations 1 Text: Lord’s Day 15 Sermon: “Is My Suffering Nothing to You?” 1. The Call to Look 2. Christ’s Unique Suffering 3. Is it Nothing to You?