Looking Through the Veil of Life Is it not the veil of life? Through which this mortal can see. When the hand of God, Doth touch a soul for eternity, You vision the unknown, That only God can unveil, And see his perfect plan, Redemption complete,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Exnihilo, God Created “Before the world in order stood”, When time was still and all was good. No form but void was all around, Above beneath the same was found. Exnihilo, God created (out of nothing), God moved above the dark...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
OUR SOVEREIGN The minutes fleeting go before, The time passing will be no more. The Lord controls each day’s hour, His hand possesses all power. The Sovereign rules, He’s reigning yet, You can not hinder by thought or fret. The...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Looking Back, Benjamin Randal’s Conversion This article looks back to the life of Benjamin Randal, as told by Elder John Buzzell of North Road in Parsonsfield, Maine. Benjamin Randal is the subject of his book entitled “Life of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Scripture for Consideration: I Cor. 15:1-4 Today, Past & Present On September 21, 2012: The center Effingham Baptist Church began posting its sermons on the Sermon Audio website. The site is a wonderful resource for sermons from churches all...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A Subtle and Deceptive Corrupting of the Church Not more than three years ago my wife and I visited some friends at a local church on the coast of Maine. It was an island community, and as we drove through the narrow roads it felt very New England...[ abbreviated | read entire ]