Henry Mahan - On Preaching 1. Deliver a message. 2.. Deliver God's message. 3. Tell only what I know by experience. 4. Deliver the message in the power of God's Spirit. 5. Make the object of my message Christ. 6. Make my motive to be the glory of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
WHAT ABOUT DEMAS?I believe I know a little of the grief that Paul felt when he wrote, "Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world." I don't know very much about Demas, but I know that Paul believed that Demas loved Christ, loved the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
HOW IS THE BELIEVER DEAD TO THE WORLD? How is the believer dead to the world when he lives in the world, works a regular job, raises a family, and owns property in the world?’ A young student asked his Bible teacher. The teacher sent him...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Where can I go this Lord’s Day and hear the mercy of God, not the mechanics of grace? Where can I go and hear the love of Christ and not the law of God for saints? Where can I go and hear of the righteousness of God fulfilled by Christ and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
LOVE PRODUCES WHERE DUTY FAILS! Henry Mahan Dear Brother:I appreciate your note received this morning. It was good to hear from you, and I am pleased that the conference was a blessing to you and to your wife. I enjoyed being there very much and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A BELIEVER’S PEACEWhere does a believer find real and genuine peace? On what foundation can we rest and say in truth, "It is well with my soul?" I’ll tell you; it lies in this, that we are justified by faith and not by works. Christ...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Which is most important to the believer's welfare; public or private worship? Is church attendance really that important? Listen to this very timely message.
- He (the Holy Spirit) shall glorify ME; for He shall receive of mine and show it unto you."–John 16:14. - The Holy Spirit does not reach after something novel, new, or spectacular in order to glorify Christ or to preach Christ to men. He does not...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
- "For the love of Christ Constraineth Us" (2 Corinthians 5:14-15). - All ministers of Christ and all believers in the Lord Jesus are under the strongest and most compelling constraint to do what they do and live as they live. They are motivated...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
2 Corinthians 5:21 Christ our Lord had no sin, knew no sin and did no sin. He was perfect before the law of God (I Peter 2:22; Heb. 4:15). Our sins were reckoned to him. He was identified and numbered with the transgressors and, though he...[ abbreviated | read entire ]