I really liked this article by David Sunday, Embracing the Biblical Tension Between Family and Church Ministry. The author clearly stated the complimentary roles of church and family as well as nuanced the tensions that are there. Here are a...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
It matters where you put your energy, and modern churches expend enormous energy trying to make Sunday schools and youth programs work. Here are two thoughts about this. First, a proposition to ponder: the practice of comprehensive age segregation...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Yessir, this is a topic I know a little about. It was more than a decade ago that I was teetering on this precipice myself. Janet and I had decided to take our two young daughters and go participate in a family-integrated church plant. Mostly...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Here is an excellent essay over at The Gospel Coalition explaining the tragic results of what has happened as we tried to minister to youth. Here are a few of the sound bites: - “we segregated youth from the rest of the congregation” -...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We know the message of the gospel is central, but what about the way we preach the gospel, does that matter? For example, if the Bible gave specific instructions for how the gospel should be preached, would that matter? If the Bible specified who...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Last week Paul Martin wrote a blog entitled “Why we need Youth ministry” for The Gospel Coalition. In this blog, the author asserts the necessity of youth groups. A basic read of his post will show one very important factor missing:...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
On Cinco de Mayo, the NCFIC launched the NCFIC and Divided websites in Spanish! To view the NCFIC Spanish website, click here. To view the Divided Spanish website, click here. Divided has been fully subtitled in Spanish and is available for free...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
NCFIC’s purpose is to correctly understand God’s unified vision for church and family, rightly diagnose the problems that impede this vision, and effectively communicate biblical solutions that rebuild family-affirming churches. We do...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"My observation is that it is certain that we can't have it both ways. In environments where the discipleship of children is outsourced to others in the church setting, I have never observed it to be the rule that fathers play their Biblical role...[ abbreviated | read entire ]