I. What This Means II. The Reason for This III. The Significance of This Text: Zechariah 8:4-5 Singspiration: The young adults retreat committee will be hosting a singspiration tonight immediately after the service, to welcome the retreaters.
I. Its Sign II. Its Assurance III. Its Significant Operation Read: Colossians 2:1-15; Romans 6:3-4 Text: Lord’s Day 26 Baptism: This morning the sacrament of baptism will be administered to Scott Timothy Van Baren, infant son of Kevin and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Elijah the Tishbite (9) Elijah’s Despondency Rev. Steven Key I. A Rapid Fall II. A Serious Reason III. A Compassionate Response Read: I Kings 19 Text: I Kings 19:4 Psalter Numbers: 115, 97, 210, 218
The Sacraments as Signs and Seals Rev. Steven Key I. Signs and Seals of What II. Signs and Seals in What Sense III. Signs and Seals Unto What Read: Romans 4:1-13 Text: Lord’s Day 25, Q & A 66-68 Psalter Numbers: 174, 328, 310, 354
6:00 p.m. Worship Service Elijah the Tishbite (7) The Word Confirmed By Fire I. Elijah’s Plea for Vindication II. Jehovah’s Amazing Answer III. Israel’s Twofold Response Read: I Kings 18:21-40 Text: I Kings 18:36-40 Psalter...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
9:30 a.m. Worship Service Righteousness and Good Works I. The Proper Relationship II. The Resulting Carefulness III. The Reward of Grace Read: James 2; Romans 6:1-7 Text: Lord’s Day 24 Psalter Numbers: 348, 138, 364, 250
I. The Proper Relationship II. The Resulting Carefulness III. The Reward of Grace Read: James 2; Romans 6:1-7 Text: Lord’s Day 24 Psalter Numbers: 348, 138, 364, 25
6:00 p.m. Worship Service The Law and Our Lives I. Permanently Binding II. Required to Be Lived and Taught III. The Determiner of Consequences Read: Matthew 5:1-20 Text: Matthew 5:19 Psalter Numbers: 266, 355, 38, 98