by John MacArthur What is the most important quality leaders can demonstrate? Intelligence, a forceful personality, glibness, diligence, vision, administrative skills, decisiveness, courage, humor, tact, or any other similar natural attribute? Those... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
by John MacArthur It is a severe and perverse corruption of biblical ministry to be in it for money. Contrary to the model we often see today, pastoral work and church leadership are not meant to be avenues to wealth and fame. In fact, men who carry... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
by John MacArthur The church’s highest office demands the highest moral character. And one of the most accurate indications of a man’s true character is how he responds when he is challenged or criticized. That is why Paul excludes... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
by John MacArthur When was the last time you sat down and evaluated your testimony? Not the story of how the Lord saved you, but the daily testimony of your life. What does your life say about your faith, your knowledge of God and His Word, and your... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
by John MacArthur Churches suffer when pastoral search committees are informed more by the corporate world than by the Word of God. Preferences concerning style, personality, appearance, speaking ability, management skills, and sense of humor often... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
by Phil Johnson More than two years ago, I wrote an article titled “The Burpo-Malarkey Doctrine,” critiquing the insanely popular I-Saw-Heaven-and-Here’s-What-It’s-Like genre of Christian best sellers. We posted that article... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Recent and potential terrorist attacks in France currently dominate the news cycle. Analysts, experts, and commentators discuss and debate the facts, often with skewed and confused perspectives on Islam, and offer a variety of political and... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
by Cameron Buettel The number of people successfully masquerading as pastors astounds me. How do these imposters manage to carve out lengthy and prosperous careers, often in spite of obvious character flaws and an utter lack of biblical fidelity?... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
by Cameron Buettel What qualifies a man for pastoral ministry? Based on the abundance of self-appointed and unaccountable leaders in modern evangelical churches, it seems many church-goers either don’t know or don’t care. The fellowships... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
by John MacArthur “The NFL's doing a better job at it. CBS is doing a better job at it. Kmart is doing a better job at it. Virtually every institution on earth is demonstrating that they are doing a better job at restoring people than the... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]