All five messages preached during our Protestant Reformation Conference (18-20 November) are now available for download: 1. Why Were Our Reformers Burned? (Pastor Ralph Ovadal, Wisconsin, USA) 2. The Gunpowder Plot (Rev Ian Brown, Londonderry...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
All five messages preached during our Protestant Reformation Conference (18-20 November) are now available for download: 1. Why Were Our Reformers Burned? (Pastor Ralph Ovadal, Wisconsin, USA) 2. The Gunpowder Plot (Rev Ian Brown, Londonderry...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
All five messages preached during our Protestant Reformation Conference (18-20 November) are now available for download: 1. Why Were Our Reformers Burned? (Pastor Ralph Ovadal, Wisconsin, USA) 2. The Gunpowder Plot (Rev Ian Brown, Londonderry...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
1. Why Were Our Reformers Burned? Examining why the stake was erected in Mary's reign (Pastor Ralph Ovadal, Wisconsin, USA) 2. The Gunpowder Plot This year marks the 400th Anniversary of the Plot (Rev Ian Brown, Londonderry FPC) Saturday, 19...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
LAST IN SERIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS: Lord's Day @ 7.00pm 5. Why Protestants Have No Goddess! Exposing the Catholic Church's global Mary worship (Pastor Ralph Ovadal, Wisconsin, USA)
Saturday, 19 November @ 7.30pm: TWO MORE SPECIAL SUBJECTS: 3. The Siege of Derry Exploring why it was so vital this city held out (Rev Ian Brown, Londonderry FPC) 4. Reconquista, Republicanism, and Rome! Terrorists in Mexico mirror their N.I....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
TWO SPECIAL SUBJECTS: 1. Why Were Our Reformers Burned? Examining why the stake was erected in Mary's reign (Pastor Ralph Ovadal, Wisconsin, USA) 2. The Gunpowder Plot This year marks the 400th Anniversary of the Plot (Rev Ian Brown,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Our congregation in Londonderry FPC is looking forward to the visit of Rev. Stephen Hamilton tonight. Minister of Lehigh Valley Free Presbyterian Church, Allentown, Pennsylvania, Rev. Hamilton is spending some time in his 'native province,'...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Benny Hinn is set to hold his latest ‘International Crusade’ in Rome, Italy; September 30 - October 1, 2005. He should feel entirely at home! Describing a Catholic Mass he took part in, Hinn said (‘Praise the Lord,’ TBN, 27 December, 1994):...[ abbreviated | read entire ]