I. God's Name II.The Sin of Profaning God's Name III. The Calling to Glorify God's Name Read: JLeviticus 24:10-23 Text: Lord's Day 36 Pulpit: Seminarian Feenstra will lead our worship service this morning.
Free Indeed! Rev. Steven Key I. The Freedom II. The One Who Gives Freedom III. Our Enjoyment of That Freedom Read: John 8:12-36 Text: John 8:34-36 Psalter Numbers: 170, 164, 310, 49
A Prayer for Divine Examination Rev. Steven Key I. Its Contents II. Its Motive III. Its Purpose Read: Psalm 139 Text: Psalm 139:23-24 Psalter Numbers: 76, 65, 384, 187
Divinely Ordained Worship Rev. Steven Key I. Rejecting Graven Images II. Being Taught by the Word III. Offering Thankful Praise Read: Psalm 100; Exodus 20:4-6 Text: Lord’s Day 35, Q & A 94-95 Psalter Numbers: 268, 67, 423, 374
9:30 AM Worship Service Warned to Labor Not for Riches 1. The Warning2. The Necessity3. The Calling Read: Proverbs 23:1-19Text: Proverbs 23:4,5Psalter: 373, 91, 135, 98
I. A Dreadful Entrance II. A Stern Persona III. A Gracious Purpose Read: Exodus 19 Text: Exodus 19:16-20; Galatians 3:24 Psalter Numbers: 285, 265, 41, 183