Psalm 115:3 But our God is in the heavens: He hath done whatsoever he hath pleased. That is not an indication that He is arbitrary or just doing what He wants. He does based on His character, who He is. We know much about Him as He has chosen to... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Psalm 114:7 Tremble, thou earth, at the presence of the Lord, At the presence of the God of Jacob; All gods but the One and true God are creations of man. They are at our beck and call. Men made them. Men have to do for them. They have no real power... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Psalm 113:9 He maketh the barren woman to keep house, And to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the LORD. This is a verse that says God is the One able to make a woman have children. I have lots of people that I love that have had or are... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Psalm 112:7 He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: His heart is fixed, trusting in the LORD. We do not have to be afraid even when we get bad news. We do not allow circumstances and bad news get us off base and out of focus. We are fixed, steady,... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Psalm 110:1 The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, Until I make thine enemies thy footstool. This verse is about the Lord Jesus sitting on the throne of David for ever. Right now the world has been allowed to rebel. God allows man to... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Psalm 109:30 I will greatly praise the LORD with my mouth; Yea, I will praise him among the multitude. I think Baptists sometimes are too quiet. We don’t sing from the bottom of our hearts with all of our voice. We do not really get into praising... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Psalm 107:21 Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, And for his wonderful works to the children of men! God has been so good to us. We rebelled and sinned against His goodness. He still loved all of mankind so much that He made a plan... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Psalm 105:8 He hath remembered his covenant for ever, The word which he commanded to a thousand generations. This is one of the most comforting truths in the Bible. God remembers what He says. God keeps His Word. I can often tell someone something... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Psalm 104:34 My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the LORD. I should learnt to think and meditate on God. I should learn to make Him as sweet as He is. I should consider His person, His character. I should learn to consider all... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Psalm 100:3 Know ye that the LORD he is God: It is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; We are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. He saved us. He made us His. He is God, the king, the ruler, the almighty. He is God. He made us. We are... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]