Welcome to this evening's worship service! May the Lord bless our worship. The 2 points of the sermon are: 1) Its Superior Quality 2) Its Widespread Availability
Welcome to our evening service. Pastor Hank Vanderwoerd (Abbotsford URC) and Pastor Schoeman have swapped pulpits for this evening. However, Pastor vanderwoerd isnt feeling well so Pastor Van Lier of Langley FRC is preaching now.
Good morning and welcome to this morning's worship service! The 3 points for this morning's sermon are: 1) The Trial He Observed 2) The Assurance He Provided 3) The Unbelief He Exposed
Welcome to this morning's worship service led by Pastor Schoeman. Pastor Schoeman is preaching from Ezra 10 and completing his series on Ezra. The 3 points for the sermon are: 1) The sorrow they expressed 2) The confession they made 3) The action...[ abbreviated | read entire ]