“Then went king David in, and sat before the LORD, and he said, Who am I, O Lord GOD? and what is my house, that thou hast brought me hitherto?” (II Samuel 7:18). The desire of the flesh is to be somebody. The teaching of grace...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
NO HANDS BUT YOUR HANDS? When religious people try to motivate you to service by saying “God has no hands but your hands”, you can point out to them that they are describing an idol. David described idols by saying, “They have...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We will have a fellowship dinner after the service today to celebrate Dale Simpson’s 70th birthday. I hope everyone will stay and enjoy at time of fellowship and celebration together. ***** THANKFUL CHRIST IS ALL The more I learn of who I...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Our mid-week service this week is moved to Thursday, Aug. 13th. Pastor Tom Harding of Zebulon Baptist Church will be preaching. ***** SOVEREIGNTY BELONGS TO GOD The sovereignty of God is absolute. To acknowledge this truth is at once to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
THE TIME REMAINING God has appointed a day that all of us must leave this world in death and go to our eternal home. There is nothing we can do to add to or subtract from the time God has given us here on earth. There is nothing we can do to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Congratulations to Luke and Mikayla Simpson on their recent marriage. May our Lord be pleased to bless this new home with His mercy and grace. ***** NO FEAR OF DEATH The believer has no reason to fear death. When we say Christ died for...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Our sincere sympathy is extended to Earl Wooten in the recent death of his mother, Faye Wooten. ***** NO LIGHT IN THEM “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Let not them that wait on thee, O Lord God of hosts, be ashamed for my sake: let not those that seek thee be confounded for my sake, O God of Israel. Psalm 69:6 God’s saving grace to sinners will cause those sinners to worship the Lord in...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
IMPUTATION: A JUST CHARGE! Believer, when God imputed sin to us in the court of our conscience was it a just charge? By Adam’s disobedience in breaking the law we were made unrighteous. Also, in natural generation, by Adam’s...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Our mid week service this week will be on Thursday. There will be no service on Wednesday. Pastor Marvin Stalnaker will be here to preach to us on Thursday at 7 p.m. ***** Sin Which Is Not Seen How can God, who sees all things, no longer...[ abbreviated | read entire ]