An increasingly predominant expression of the prevailing atheism of our day is the clamour for each individual's 'right to die'. It is clearly an act of rebellion against God who alone determines the bounds of each man's habitation, and in whom...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Man has thinking and reasoning ability as created by God. Most of the present generation do not think much for themselves but most follow a minority who do the thinking for themand create a 'concensus'. Finality of human reason idea still has...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"…they hold fast deceit, they refuse to return" (Jeremiah 8:5) We live in a time of change. This is true of Northern Ireland in particular. Anyone with eyes to see cannot but notice the diminishing of Christian influence in the Province....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The 10th of July 2009 sees the 500th anniversary of the birth of John Calvin. A measure of controversy surrounds the renowned Reformer, and, regrettably, much unfounded prejudice. During his lifetime he suffered the malignity of his own...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Opinions vary considerably among professing Christians as to the nature and effects of the 1859 revival. Some view it without any criticism, whilst others regard it as an amazing outbreak of fanaticism and wild emotionalism, explicable only by...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The emphasis and argument for a consistent, godly, and strictly Christian education is presented in this address. Positive reasons for an exclusively Christian education are given and some objections answered. The thought comes through very...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
At the 2007 'Gay Pride' parade, as well as the usual obscenity and glorying in their shame from many participants, one individual held a placard blasphemously suggesting that our Lord Jesus Christ was a homosexual. Even by Gay Pride standards,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The question of modesty in dress arises from why do we dress - a question which the bible alone can fully answer. This helpful address gives very clear guidelines and reasons for modest dress whilst avoiding the extremes to which Islamists for...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This address shows the ramifications of tampering with the clear and plain doctrine of creation, the effects of which have a marked bearing upon the truth of salvation. 1. The biblical doctrine of creation and the reliability of Scripture to teach...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Put Christ back into Christmas" is now a well-worn cliché. Sincere people tell us that a Christian should observe "the church calendar" such as Christmas and Easter in a Christian way rather than the commercial way of the world. The...[ abbreviated | read entire ]