Sadly, over the past many years, Christianity has played a passive role in reclaiming the culture, especially in the economic sphere. With so many churches, Christian colleges and seminaries, and the increasing number of Christian businesses, it is... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
One of the strategies of the Monolithic State is “Time Appropriation.” If the State can commandeer the Christian’s time by forcing him to devote all of his time to mere survival via making just enough money to live, the State then... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
One of the strategies of the Monolithic State is "Time Appropriation." If the State can commandeer the Christian's time by forcing him to devote all of his time to mere survival via making just enough money to live, the State then can thwart any... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Within the halls of government, local, state and federal there are those that profess the religion of Christ. Many of them hold to the authority of scripture and the basic doctrine of the Faith. Yet, they fail to conduct their legislative and... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond, Founder of New Geneva Christian Leadership Academy, and the Institute for Theonomic Reformation, discusses how God's people and God's churches are to be the salt and light - especially on issues affecting our culture... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Rev Dr Paul Michael Raymond is interviewed on the Morning Line on WLNI Radio, Lynchburg Virginia with George Cayl orhtt ps:// sound cloud .com/ teati mewit hgeor ge/dr -paul -raym ond-o n-how -does -the- churc h-imp act-t he-st ate [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
In the next couple of months New Geneva will be offering free lodging for any student (or students) that desires to study at the Academy. Internship programs will also be available for students who desire to work at the Geneva Research Library and... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Much of the Postmodern Christian sentiment is one of laxity and indifference. Unlike historical Christendom, today’s church has sequestered itself within the four wall of their building apparently insensitive to both the world around them... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
“Someday” is a disease that strips the individual from his or her ultimate potential. To say “ I will do that Someday” or “I will embark on that all important life-altering direction in my life Someday” is actually admitting “that day will never... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Innocence Sacrificed to Government Schools Man, by being created in the image of God has an a priori knowledge of God. He begins with a conscience whereby he intuitively knows right from wrong, good from evil. In his natural state, however, he... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]