9:30 a.m. Pastor S. Dibbet* Votum and Salutation* Singing Psalter 394 Reading of the Law Singing Psalter 322:1-2 Prayer Gift Offering* Singing Psalter 349 Scripture Reading Hebrews 10:19-39 (text 10:19-25)SERMON: Living out of the Fullness of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
9:30 a.m. Pastor S. Dibbet* Votum and Salutation* Singing Psalter 357 Reading of the Law Singing Psalter 40:1,2,6 Prayer Gift Offering* Singing Psalter 317 Scripture Reading Mark 16:1-8 SERMON: Christ's Resurrection: A Pivotal Miracle In History...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
9:30 a.m. Pastor K. Hutton* Votum and Salutation* Singing Psalter 251 Reading of the Law Singing Psalter 321 Prayer Gift Offering* Singing Psalter 109 Scripture Reading Mark 15:1-41 (text vs 21)SERMON: Simon the Cyrenian Simon the Conscript Simon...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
9:30 a.m. Lord’s Supper Celebration Pastor S. Dibbet* Votum and Salutation* Singing Psalter 261 Reading of the Law Singing Psalter 42:1 Prayer Gift Offering* Singing Psalter 48:1-4 Scripture Reading Hebrews 9:1-15SERMON: God in our midst...[ abbreviated | read entire ]