Another benefit from wearing the helmet of righteousness is that when we are turned from darkness to light by God we are given a new heart. The hardened, closed stoney one is softened, opened, and made of flesh. We go from hopelessness to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Picking up with the armor of God components, Pastor John Samuel Barnetttalks about the benefits of the helmet of salvation. For the rest of the week, he will cover what the wearer of the helmet of salvation never has to feel under God's...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Here's one from the early days of Pastor John Samuel Barnett's Q&A series. The great thing is that when they are tied to the Word of God, the answers don't change. So as we approach Resurrection Day, what are we looking forward to? What will...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Pastor John Samuel Barnett teaches on a very practical and much needed subject. What does hearing the voice of God actually sound like? On top of that, how can I be sure it's God's voice that I'm hearing? -...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Hermeneutics is the area of study of how one interprets the Bible. Today, Pastor John Samuel Barnett is going to cover that topic in general and will use the white horse of Revelation in specific. -...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This week will be a short week due to Good Friday and Easter. In light of that, the next four days will consist of some Q&As that might not get brought up as they relate to the other devotional messages. So enjoy these as we culminate in the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This week Pastor John Samuel Barnett encouraged us to actively take up our shield, our helmet, and our sword in times where we are under attack from Satan. God is our source of help in times of trouble.Today's Q&A is short and answers the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
When we step out into the sun we don't actively take in its heat and rays and light. When we wade out into a lake we don't actively take on the water and get wet. Our body involuntary is designed to breathe and digest and do a thousand other...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Because Christ has won victory over sin and death, we could be tempted to treat the flaming arrows of Satan as benign objects that aren't worth caring about. When we do this, one would say against clear evidence of it not being the case, we can...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
As Christians, we still live in a fallen world and face temptations and bad habits from our old life. We are told to take up our cross DAILY and follow Christ. In that following we come under attack. We show ourselves to be a threat to the enemy...[ abbreviated | read entire ]