Rom 12:19-21 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” (20) To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A friend recently reminded me again of this 109th Psalm and even put together a template of it so that we can personalize it and pray this prayer against the wicked. [If you would like the template you can email me and I will send it]. I say that...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
2Co 10:12 Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who are commending themselves. But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding. If you have...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I have written recently on this topic of perpetual victimhood, but I believe it is necessary to keep this subject before all of us. I am running into it quite often. It concerns this business of therapy and counseling that keep abused people...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
When I first came to our church here nearly 30 years ago, as I have told you previously, it was a mess. A mass of unconverted people who walked in sin and yet had been assured for years that they were surely fine Christians. One of those people...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
With remarkable frequency we meet abuse victims, mostly Christians, who originally met their abuser in a local church. Or in a Christian college or similar setting. In the church! Why? How can this be?Well, the answer is not only that abusers are...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This post is a text I received from our friend Christy. She lives in the “Bible belt” where everyone is a Christian, you know. She wrote this to me because she is seeing, correctly, that being a victim of domestic abuse does not mean...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Here is a third excerpt from our friend Lynn’s comment last week that is well worth highlighting here in a separate post. Here it is: Charm and charisma are super deceptive. Charisma is not character. The more charming and charismatic...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Here is another great insight taken from Lynn’s recent comment. Like the first, I want to highlight this one because it is so important. Here you go: A big part of why I was so vulnerable was I longed for a place to belong and people who...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Lynn, our friend who follows this blog, recently made a lengthy comment in response to the post which asked if we are stupid if we repeatedly get duped by evil. I want to highlight the points Lynn made in several articles so that each one gets...[ abbreviated | read entire ]