First we need a strategic grasp of the Bible because God's Word is TRUTH.Secondly, we need to understand why God gave us these 66 inspired books. To understand why, turn to Luke 24.25-27. Here Jesus gives a seven-mile Bible study to those on the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Getting a "Strategic Grasp of the Bible”. This is one of the greatest studies we could ever share. Why? Because the Bible is the Revelation of all that God wants us to know about everything we need to know. If He hasn"t revealed it - either...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Many times you will not 'feel' like worship. Perhaps you have had so many disappointing experiences in the past that you think it is hardly worth it. There is such a low sense of the power of God. Few people are adequately prepared.But you need to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This is a journey into the presence of God. We enter God's presence by way of His Tabernacle, God's tent of Meeting. As we examine this incredible structure, we will see how every point of the God's Tabernacle points to Jesus.In this sermon...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This is a journey into the presence of God. We enter God's presence by way of His Tabernacle, God's tent of Meeting. As we examine this incredible structure, we will see how every point of the God's Tabernacle points to Jesus.
How is it that we learn to stay throughout our day in the presence of God? Through that dusty tent glows through the ages with its matchless portrait of Christ. Lost one, have you yet to stand neath the shadow of the blood to have God's wrath...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The tabernacle which God instructed Moses to construct is a powerful lesson for us. We can learn an enormous amount about how God wants us to enter His presence and stay in His presence.So we are going on a journey into the presence of God. We...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
God invites us to the greatest event of all time. The ultimate communication from God has arrived. It is a beautiful work of art, a picture of vivid color and radiance. It is a full color portrait of His Son, Jesus. God presents this photograph as...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
It was 39 years ago that America officially launched the longest running war of her history.This war against the weakest and most helpless of our citizens has left over 50 million dead, and as many wounded.This month another 100,000 will die, and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
When the Bible opens in Genesis we find ourselves transported back to the Garden of Eden, and see a place of perfection and beauty.When the Bible closes in Revelation 22 we are transported forward to the fringes of eternity and step out again into...[ abbreviated | read entire ]