Ebenezer Free Reformed Church |
Dundas, Ontario, Canada
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Page 1 | Page 26 · Found: 758 entries · |
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 Pastor: Rev. L.J. Bilkes Bible Passage: 1 Timothy 1 Theme: Christ - the Saviour of the Worst Text: 1 Tmothy 1:15 |
 Pastor: Rev. L.J. Bilkes Bible Passage: Matthew 5:1-20 Theme: Christ - the Fulfiller of the Law Text: Matthew 5:17-20 |
 Pastor: Rev. L.J. Bilkes Bible Passage: John 18:28-38 Theme: Christ - the King of Truth Text: John 18:37 |
 Pastor: Rev. L.J. Bilkes Bible Passage: Deuteronomy 6:1-9 Theme: True Religion for Heart & Home Text: Deuteronomy 6:4-9 |
 Pastor: Rev. L.J. Bilkes Bible Passage: Mark 1:29-39 Theme: Christ's Mission to Herald the Gospel Text: Mark 1:38 |
 Pastor: Rev. D.H. Kranendonk Bible Passage: Acts 16:23-40 Theme: A Life and Death Q&A Text: Acts 16:30-31 |
 Pastor: Rev. D.H. Kranendonk Bible Passage: Acts 16:16-26 Theme: Prayerful Praise in Prison Text: Acts 16:25 |
 Pastor: Rev. L.J. Bilkes Bible Passage: Matthew 18:1-20 Theme: Christian Discipline Text: Matthew 18:15-17 Belgic Confession of Faith, art. 32b |
 Pastor: Rev. L.J. Bilkes Bible Passage: 2 Kings 4:37-42 Theme: Feeding the Multitude Text: 2 Kings 4:42-44 |
 Pastor: Rev. L.J. Bilkes Bible Passage: 1 Corinthians 14:26-40 Theme: Decently & in Order Text: 1 Corinthians 14:40 Belgic Confession of Faith, art. 32 |

