A few years ago, I visited a neighboring church on a Wednesday night and heard a particularly riveting sermon on the doctrine of sin and human inability. That night has remained vivid in my memory for a couple reasons. Nowadays, messages on human... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Have you ever tried to pick a favorite hymn or Scripture passage when asked? Impossible, isn’t it? At least it is for me. I had similar feelings when my pastoral interns asked me to pick my top books every pastor should read. Too many to choose from... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Preaching through books of the Bible is my jam. I love to take months and work through a book, as I did recently in Hebrews over the course of 44 sermons. I am convinced and see persistent evidence that the best way Christians learn the Word of God... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Ok, here’s a fastball right down the middle for you, but I think it’s a good question. You and I both love baseball deeply. It seems to me that baseball has many lessons to teach us about life. What can we learn about the Christian life from our... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
You have extensive background in sports from playing to coaching and everything in between. Tell me a little about your passion for sports. My father was teaching me about sports before I could walk. One photo of me as an infant has a baseball right... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
When it comes to discipline in the Christian life, many believers question its importance. Devotion to prayer declines into drudgery. The real-life usefulness of meditation on Scripture seems uncertain. The purpose of a discipline like fasting is a... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
I still remember the first day I stepped into the textbook tunnel in the LifeWay at SBTS. There were so many incredible books, and all were organized according to the courses in which they would be used. “The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit,” “Hebrew... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Have you ever met someone whose singular aim is to convince you they are called to ministry? Maybe they give away scores of Vista Print business cards asking you to invite them to your church; maybe they email you regularly to convince you why they... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Every American has undoubtedly heard the phrase: “Be who you are.” Some of us heard it first from Dr. Seuss. Others from the Bee Gees. These days it seems to be the omnipresent mantra of Disney and even much of the church. But despite such endearing... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
We live in a technological age that is rapidly changing how we do business, banking, education, and on and on. Certainly there are disadvantages of being constantly in touch with everyone who demands our time and attention, and the anxiety caused by... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]