Pastor S. Dibbet * Pre-Service Song * Votum and Salutation * Singing Psalter 362 Reading of the Law Singing Psalter 140:1-2 Scripture Reading Luke 23:1-38 (text vs.34) Pastoral Prayer Offering * Singing Psalter 243:1,6,10-14 SERMON:...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Pastor S. Dibbet * Pre-Service Song * Votum and Salutation * Singing Psalter 221 Reading of the Law Singing Psalter 293 Scripture Reading Genesis 1:26-2:25 (text Gen 2:18-25) (See also Matt. 19:3-6, Mark...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Pastor S. Dibbet * Pre-Service Song * Votum and Salutation * Singing Psalter 51 Reading of the Law Scripture Reading Acts 3:1-10; 4:1-12 (text Acts 4:12) Baptism Form in booklet Singing Psalter 425:5 Pastoral Prayer Offering *...[ abbreviated | read entire ]