I recently came across this family motto that was displayed on a wall and I thought some of these truths adapted so well into a church family. Church family like looks a lot like everyday family life. In fact, most if not all find a direct or... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
I saw one hanging on a tree In agony and blood Who fixed His loving eyes on me As near His cross I stood And never till my dying breath Will I forget that look It seemed to charge me with His death Though not a word He spoke VERSE 2 My conscience... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
September 2 Worship Order Scripture Reading: John 2.12-25 Pastoral Prayer As the Deer Are You Washed in the Blood Show Us Christ The Look (Offertory Meditation) Message: The Temple Cleansed Have Thine Own Way The Lord’s Table [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
People ask me what’s Grace Life about? I answer: Broken people who’ve met Jesus helping broken people who haven’t met Jesus! Read: Matthew 12; Isaiah 42 [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
On Wednesday, August 29 at 7pm, we’re going to have our first Ask the Pastor Night. I jokingly teased on Sunday this is not Roast the Pastor or Stump the Pastor, but simply Ask the Pastor. So, if you have a question feel free to ask it. To... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
The Offertory Meditation from Sunday, August 26 can be heard by clicking through. Hear the heart of heaven beating, “Jesus saves. Jesus saves.” And the hush of mercy breathing, “Jesus saves. Jesus saves.” Hear the host... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
The Offertory Meditation from Sunday, August 26 can be heard by clicking through. Hear the heart of heaven beating, “Jesus saves. Jesus saves.” And the hush of mercy breathing, “Jesus saves. Jesus saves.” Hear the host... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
August 26, 2012 Worship Order Scripture Reading: John 2 Pastoral Prayer His Name is Wonderful To God Be the Glory Jesus Saves (Offertory Meditation) Message: Water to Wine Grace Greater Than Our Sin [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Our first church invite cards are gone already. Here’s a sneak peek at our new church invite card. They will be available on Sunday. Use them to invite friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors to “Come and See Jesus” as we walk... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Sunday we taught through John 1 for the final time. We walked through the entire chapter specifically highlighting the titles given to Jesus. Remember, these titles weren’t given to “mix things up” in the first chapter, but rather... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]