IN today's Broadcast we will cover more apostasy that is creeping into mainstream churches . And the CCM movement that has infiltrated churches with its sodomite agenda
In this Broadcast we come to a very important subject and that is the Backslider and his walk with God. We have a duty to recover the backslidden Christian. We have duty to understand what can cause it and the how to recover such a one.
Just wanted to write everyone and let them know that we have a new meeting house address which will be the same as our new mailing address. The Lord has provided for us in a great way. We Were removed from our former meeting house under...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Hello The Movie Hollywood Satanic Roots Reloaded is available now on Sermon Audio here -http ://ww w.ser monau dio.c om/se rmoni nfo.a sp?se rmoni d=111 16212 8362 If you would like a dvd let us know . in Christ Pastor Cooley
We will be broadcasting our services live on hopefully by Wednesday Evening at 7:15 central time. Then also on Sundays at 10:15am central and 11:30 Central
I just preached two new sermons on Mormonism. They deal with the mormon doctrine of God. YOu will quickly find out that Mormons believe in another God. The second one deals with Adam being the God of the Mormons and they believe in ascending to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I am very grateful for all of you who pray for me and this ministry. I cannot express to you how much it really means to me. I know the Lord has answered your prayers and He has protected me and gave me his power to preach and blessed me and met...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Hello, Please pray for us as this Friday June 26 through Wednesday we will be preaching in the Atlanta Georgia area. We will be street preaching as well as Preaching all Day Sunday holding services in a home in the area. If You would like to Join...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Hello everyone , Our new internet radio show Sound the Battle Cry has begun. We are excited to start with the Nwo and explain from the scriptures What it is and how it formed and what the future holds. Please give it a listen and pray for us as...[ abbreviated | read entire ]