1. That in Which the Believer Glories 2. Glorying as We Embrace its Two-Fold Result 3. Glorying Because of its Glorious Fruit Read: Galatians 6 Text: Galatians 6:14,15
Godly Fathers as Pastors I. The Goal They Will Have II. The Qualities They Will Possess III. The Means They Will Use Read: Proverbs 23:26; 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12 Text: 1 Thessalonians 2:8-12 Pastor Erik Guichelaar
The Spirit’s Echo Pastor Steven Key I. Who CriesII. The Contents of the CryIII. The Urgency of the Cry and Its Echo Read: Revelation 22\Text: Revelation 22 :17a
Salvation in the Name of the Lord Rev. Steven Key I. An Only Salvation II. A Powerful Salvation III. A Particular Salvation Read: Acts 2:16-47 Text: Acts 2:21