Ebenezer Free Reformed Church
Dundas, Ontario, Canada
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Pastor: Rev. L.J. Bilkes Bible Passage: Theme: Text:
Pastor: Rev. J. Overduin Bible Passage: Acts 2:1-21; Galatians 5:16-26 Theme: Walking in the Spirit Text: Galatians 5:25
Pastor: Rev. J. Schoeman Bible Passage: Luke 15:25-32 Theme: The Restoring Love of the Father for the Elder Son Text: Luke 15:25-32
Pastor: Rev. J. Schoeman Bible Passage: Luke 15:1-24 Theme: The Restoring Love of the Father for the Younger Son Text: Luke 15:1-24
Pastor: Rev. L.J. Bilkes Bible Passage: Acts 5:17-42 Theme: Christ - The Exalted Prince and Saviour Text: Acts 5:31
Pastor: Rev. L.J. Bilkes Bible Passage: Acts 16:1-34 Theme: The Three Parts of Experiential Religion - What the Bible Says Text: Acts 16:29-34 H.C. Lord's Day 1 (QA 2)
Pastor: Rev. L.J. Bilkes Bible Passage: Mark 4:35-41 Theme: Jesus Calms the Storm Text: Mark 4:35-41
Pastor: Rev. L.J. Bilkes Bible Passage: Romans 8:31-39 Theme: Comfort of Belonging to Christ Text: Romans 8:39b H.C. Lord's Day 1 (QA 1)
Pastor: Rev. L.J. Bilkes Bible Passage: Mark 4:21-35 Theme: How God's Kingdom Comes Text: Mark 4:21-32
Pastor: Rev. D.H. Kranendonk Bible Passage: Colossians 3:1-17 Theme: God's Call to Seek the Things Above Text: Colossians 3:1-2