by Charles Alligood (This article was first published in the early 1990s) The news media, government agencies, and our schools are emphasizing a need for instruction on “the facts of life” even to the youngest of our school children....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
by Charles Alligood
 (This article was first published long before Facebook, Twitter, and It has been said that for the first ten to twenty years after Marx and Engels wrote The Communist Manifesto in 1848 that very few people...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
by Charles Alligood “Though it is the quintessence of Enthusiasm to pretend to be guided by the Spirit without the written Word, yet it is every Christian’s bounden duty to be guided by the Spirit in conjunction with the written Word...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
by Charles Alligood (The following article was first published on June 12, 1995) Few people other than God and those faithful ministers who walk with Him realize the intense burdens a Gospel minister often bears. Under the unrelenting strain of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A Bitter Truth We Must Face by Charles Alligood Comment The battle brewing in Washington over the appointment of another judge to fill the place of deceased Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia reveals a bitter truth few Americans wish to face....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The prevailing religious attitude of our day focuses on liberty, pleasure, and personal fulfillment. This is not biblical Christianity, but a self-serving substitute. Historically, biblical Christianity has been attacked as repressive and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]