Over the past few months, we have been slowly adding PDF notes to compliment the existing audio files for the Book of Proverbs study. As of today, all the PDF notes for all 134 messages are now available. This makes it an ideal time to start a...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We are pleased to announce we have started uploading the study, 'Soteriology - The Doctrine of Salvation'. Excerpt: "Of all the doctrines in the Bible, none needs to be so thoroughly studied and comprehended as the doctrine of salvation. This...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We are pleased to announce we have started uploading the study, 'EXPOSITION OF JOSHUA'. Excerpt: "We all have enemies to battle. We all have a race to run. We all want to fight a good fight and Joshua is a book that encourages us to remain...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Texas Corners Bible Church will be hosting a Vacation Bible School (VBS) August 10-14, 2015. The theme of the VBS will be "Extreme Off-Road Challenge - Following God when the way gets rough!" Visit our website at www.texascornersbiblechurch.org...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
On Sunday, June 28, Texas Corners Bible Church will have an open house to officially dedicate our new sanctuary. Our special guest at the 10 AM service will be Mr. Dan Duncan, the key Bible expositor of Believer's Chapel in Dallas, Texas. This...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The official Android and iOS apps of Texas Corners Bible Church are now available for download. These FREE apps provide the ideal way to search and listen to sermons exclusively from TCBC on a mobile device. You may download them directly from...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We are pleased to announce we have started uploading the study, 'EXPOSITION OF MATTHEW' from our taped archives. Excerpt: "Matthew is the book that bridges a gap of 400 silent years between Malachi, the close of the Old Testament and the coming of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We are pleased to announce we have started uploading the study, 'EXPOSITION OF GALATIANS'. Excerpt: "The book of Galatians contains the full power and punch of the Holy Spirit. It is a book that is cutting and convicting. It has been called the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Due to vacations and weather, the regular Sunday and Wednesday sermon uploads have not been consistent over the last few weeks. We are expecting to resume regular weekly updates of sermons again beginning Sunday, February 22, 2015. Thank you for...[ abbreviated | read entire ]