Remaining unmarried for the sake of God's kingdom is a good and noble thing, but for anyone to require it of someone else is evil and demonic. The Apostle Paul warned: "Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The presence of armed people is certainly a deterrent to many potential wrong doers, but I don't believe that would have proven true in the case of Mr. Cho. Had there been armed people nearby, they might well have stopped him after he had killed...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
If you want to understand why so many political leaders are continuing to do things that do not seem to fit in with their stated policies, you will want to listen to this teaching given on a Sunday evening back in June 2006, Globalism: Our...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
It is very easy to sit in judgment of the people who lived in other times and places. In the final analysis, every man and woman, when weighed on the scales will be found wanting. That is true of me, and it is true of my ancestors, too. Alex...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Money is not evil. When money becomes our chief end in life, it becomes an idol -- a cold idol that becomes a cruel master and does not make us happier and ends up robbing us of joy and peace. Sometimes the misery of this idolatrous pursuit...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Continued from Part 1 The Extant, Objective Historical Record: We often look at historical events through lens formed in the twentieth century, as if radio, films and television have always been around. But we didn't even have the printing press...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
On Atheism: As I entered adolescence, I renounced the Christian faith, and for a season professed to be an atheist, albeit a sometimes, somewhat superstitious atheist. Inasmuch as my voice changed and I shot up over six feet tall around the age...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
There are certainly times when it is foolish not to pray "if it be Thy will" because there are many circumstances where we simply don't know what is best. But there are other times when it is a sin to pray that way. Why? If God has already...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A godly church is a church for everybody who loves the Lord Jesus, and it should do its utmost to hold the saints together unless that would involve a clear-cut violation of Scripture. The Scripture has much to say about the content of what we...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I just finished watching the execution of the man who stood in the way of the Shiite takeover of Iraq, Saddam Hussein. I've watched not a few people die. Saddam appeared to die bravely, calling on the name of his god, telling his Shiite...[ abbreviated | read entire ]