Fridays around Christ Church always start with work as we prepare our bulletin for the Sunday sermon. But once the bulk of the work is done, I get a chance to walk across from the office to Pastor Dan's office and show him the bulltein proof copy...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We have just posted a series of Christ Church sermons on death and dying by Pastor Dan Schiel. These sermons were delivered from the Christ Church pulpit in early 2010. This is an essential series of sermons to listen to for Christians as it...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Today we heard from Phil Moorman, a teaching elder here at Christ Church, from on 2 Corinthians 5:17. We were reminded that God always begins with a work of creation and that this is no different in his redemptive work in a new believer. Their...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Today our sermon continues with the 87th sermon in the sermon series "The Gospel" from the book of Romans. This series is an in-depth expostion of Romans which began February 3, 2008 with a sermon entitled "Paul." Since we have only recently...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Today we began publishing sermons on in an effort to create a wider distribution of sermons from the Christ Church pulpit. We have been providing streaming audio for all of our sermons for several years via our primary web site and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Today's sermon is a continuation of Pastor Dan's series entitled The Gospel based on the book of Romans. The scripture text for today is Romans 9:19-24.