Loveland Protestant Reformed Church
Rev. Arend Haveman | Loveland, Colorado
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Rev. Steven Key I. The Challenges You FaceII. The Strength You PossessIII. The Source of Your Strength Read: I John 2:1-17Text: I John 2:13b,14b
I. The Temptation II. The Response III. The Comfort Read: Matthew 3:1 - 4:11 Text: Matthew 4:1-11
I. The Meaning II. The Manner III. The Reason Read: Ephesians 5:1-21 Text: Ephesians 5:1-2
I. The Wedding II. The Preparation III. The Response Read: Revelation 19 Text: Revelation 19:7-8
I. A Heart Established II. A Heart With A Steady Beat III. A Heart Withstanding Troubling Events Read: Psalm 112 Text: Psalm 112:7
1. The Objects 2. The Manner 3. The Motive Read: Matthew 18:1-22 Text: Lord's Day 31 Q&A 85
Living in God's Fellowship (7) 1. Their Spiritual Identity 2. Their Prominent Characteristic 3. Their High Calling Read: 1 John 2 Text: 1 John 2:13a,14a
I. Glorifying: Whom? II. Glorifying: How? III. Glorifying: In What Way? Read: Romans 15:1-21 Text: Roman 15:5-7
I. Who This Lord Is II. How He Is Lord III. Unto What Purpose Read: Romans 14:1-9 Text: Romans 14:9
I. Its Necessity II. Its Failure III. Its Application Read: Romans 14 Text: Romans 14:23