We just uploaded these 2 videos of Paul Washer on the Beatitudes. Part 2 is found here: http ://ww w.ser monau dio.c om/se rmoni nfo.a sp?SI D=940 61049 27
We have uploaded 5 new Paul Washer Videos, 2 in English, the one this blog is about and the one found here: http ://ww w.ser monau dio.c om/se rmoni nfo.a sp?SI D=111 30720 55240 Also, we have posted 3 Spanish videos (with the other videos in that series...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Video to the HeartCry Mission Presentation 2006 is up. It flashes between Paul Preaching and the well designed slides Paul is speaking about (very nice camera work).
This is an illustrated video, not video footage of Paul actually preaching: http ://ww w.ser monau dio.c om/se rmoni nfo.a sp?SI D=522 06217 50 To see a different video that is a 4 minute compilation of this sermon go to: http://www.gccsatx.com/examine.wmv