Genesis contains a detailed genealogy that traces the development of the human race from Adam to Abraham and beyond. The genealogy includes a chronology that records the exact ages of individuals at the birth of their children and at their own...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
You may not be aware of the complete meltdown going on at BioLogos, but yesterday’s post from Darrel Falk, “On Living in the Middle,” undercuts that organization’s claim to hold to historic Christianity. What started as a...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What are fossils? How were they formed? What clues, if any, do they provide for determining the age of the earth? Today, John MacArthur answers those questions as he explains what the fossil record proves, and maybe more important, what it...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We'll start with a few comments about BioLogos, the Pyromaniac, and Al Mohler. Then a look at Uniformitarianism and a universe with the appearance of age. Finally, we'll pull out the roadmap to find out where we're going next... Read...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Here's the topic for today's discussion: According to Scripture, God created the universe over six days’ time and rested on the seventh day. But why six days? Not because he needed that much time to create, and certainly not because He...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Consult the doctrinal statement of 100 churches in America. You’ll probably find this phrase, “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.” What about the doctrine of creation? Is it essential or...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What if someone asks you, “Could God have used evolution as an agent of creation?” How would you respond? The question deserves an answer, and the text of Genesis 1 and 2 provide it. Maybe you’ve never thought about that kind of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Here's the topic for today's discussion: Have you ever wondered: How did the world come to exist as we know it today? Why are there so many different cultures and ethnicities? Where did languages come from? How can we explain the presence of evil?...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
It’s no surprise that the creation account has always been in the crosshairs of the enemy. Since the Garden of Eden, God’s Word has suffered and withstood many aggressive attacks, all driven by one scandalous purpose—to cast...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The straightforward, literal reading of Genesis 1-3 has proven to be a stubborn obstacle for those who embrace the "millions and billions of years ago" myth. To get around it, some evangelicals try to change the rules of interpretation in the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]