Scripture: Hosea 11 Sermon: Hosea 11:1 Theme: God’s Fatherly Commitment 1. In loving His children. 2. In teaching His children. 3. In reassuring His children.
Scripture Reading: Acts 8:26-40 Sermon: Acts 8:35; Lord’s Day 25 Theme: Faith comes from the Holy Spirit. 1. The means by which faith is worked. 2. The means by which faith is confirmed.
Scripture Reading: Genesis 32 Sermon: Genesis 32:24-32 Theme: God and Jacob at Peniel. 1. A Man wrestles with Jacob. 2. Jacob’s name is changed to Israel. 3. The face of God.
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2 Sermon: Eph. 2:8-10; Lord’s Day 24 Theme: Our righteousness before God and our good works. 1. The Merits of Good Works. 2. The Reward of Good Works. 3. The Necessity of Good Works.
Scripture Reading: 2 Timothy 1 Sermon: 2 Timothy 1:12b Theme: Profession of your faith. 1. Mistaken ideas. 2. True Christian faith. 3. A biblical example of faith.
Scripture: Genesis 32 Text: Genesis 32:1-23 Theme: Jacob’s journey toward Canaan. 1. Good news and bad news. 2. A prayer and a present. 3. All the mercies and all the truth.