Proverbs for Parenting (5): The Loving Discipline of Our Children - Part 1 I. The Instruction Given in DisciplineII. The Pain Administered in DisciplineIII. The Diligence Required in Discipline Scripture Reading: Proverbs 13:13ffText: Proverbs...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Christian Single Life I. The Goodness of Single LifeII. The Calling of Single LifeIII. Contentment in Single Life Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 7Text: 1 Cor. 7:7-9, 32-34 Psalter Numbers: 251, 4, 333, 311
Praying: Thy Kingdom Come I. In our HeartsII. In the ChurchIII. In the End Scripture Reading: Luke 17:20-37Text: Lord’s Day 48 Psalter Numbers: 266, 38, 321, 350
Praying: Hallowed Be Thy Name I. The Petition ItselfII. The Praying of ItIII. The Desire for It Scripture Reading: Psalm 115Text: Lord’s Day 47 Psalter Numbers: 373, 362, 212, 308
Walking About Zion’s Defenses (Confession of Faith) I. A Tour of the CityII. The Security of the CityIII. The Purpose of the Tour Scripture Reading: Psalm 48Text: Psalm 48:12-13 Psalter Numbers: 16, 143, 237, 133
Thanks for a Gifted Church I. For What II. What III. To Whom Scripture Reading: I Thessalonians 1 Text: I Thessalonians 1: 2,3 Psalter Numbers: 88, 166, 298, 169
Christ's Spirit of Truth I. His Work II. His Reception III. His Comfort Scripture Reading: John 14; 16:13 Text: John 14:16,17; 16:13 Psalter Numbers: 315, 400, 67, 65
Prof. Gritters Grieve Not the Holy Spirit I. Understanding the Sin II. Committing the Sin III. Fleeing the Sin Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4 Text: Ephesians 4:30
Prof. Huizinga Zealous of Good Works I. The Meaning of This II. The Explanation for This III. The Significance of This Scripture Reading: Titus 2 Text: Titus 2:14