Salvation by Christ Alone Know for your comfort that the weakest believer in Christ is as nearly related to God the Father as is the strongest believer. Every branch of a tree is either strong or big yet the largest limb and the smallest twig are...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
For Whom Did Christ Die? Christ died for His Sheep, John 10:11 Christ died for all whom the Father gave to Him, John 6:39 Christ died for His people, Matthew 1:21 Christ died for His children who are His brethren, Hebrews 2:12-17 Christ died...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Eating Christ’s Flesh and Drinking His Blood “He who eateth me, even he shall live by me.” (John 6:57) What our LORD Jesus is stating here is not some form of cannibalism whereby His followers eat His flesh or drink His blood....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Submission to God’s Will In the Doctrine of Divine Providence, we have the strongest motive for a hearty and cheerful resignation to all the troubles and difficulties, trials and afflictions which come upon us in this life, whatever may be...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Christ’s Victorious Suffering “And in my prosperity, I said, I shall never be moved.” (Psalm 30:6) Psalm 30 is attributed to King David and is a beautiful expression of gratitude and praise to God for bringing him to the throne...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Righteous by Christ’s Death Alone Our righteousness is in Him and our hope depends not upon the exercise of grace in us but upon the fullness of grace and love in Him and upon His obedience unto death. John Newton
A Lesson Learned When I was four years old my father wanted to buy a house on a lake in California. It was a perfect place to raise his family. When we went down to the boat dock, he gave us all strict orders to stay away from the edge of the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
“It is Finished!” (John 19:30) Jesus when He had cried again with a loud voice yielded up the Ghost. There is something very striking in this loud voice of Jesus. Not like one exhausted, not as one dispirited but as a Conqueror in the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]