Against a deadly onslaught, courageous men arose, and at the cost of their own lives, hurled themselves against the enemy. Men of character. Christ is such a man; a man of whom this world was not worthy. Yet, even though He is a mighty warrior,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Falling in Love at the Sink There is, I have concluded, a direct correlation between preparing food in the kitchen and the number of dirty dishes in the sink. Eager eaters are never in short supply, yet then another correlation becomes apparent....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
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It is one form of commitment to the Gospel of God to support the work financially. It is a whole other commitment to remain personally concerned about that work. Individuals whom we send out as a church must matter to us. This is the way it was...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Why does God not answer my prayers, especially when He has promised to do so? A good starting point would be to ask whether God has actually promised to answer this specific prayer. Scripture contanis a number of clear warnings that under certain...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
God, through His Word, teaches us a bold position on prayer. He assures us that we can approach Him with confidence. What then do we do with unanswered prayer? Has God failed to honour His promises? Why did He answer the prayers of the saints of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Christ is actually abandoned. That which has motivated Him through His entire earthly mission has been withdrawn from Him: the beaming pleasure of His Father's face. Yet such is the glory of Christ that even in His state of abandonment, His faith...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Pain changes everything for us. For Christ, it caused His glory to gush out in bright, shining splendour. Even through His darkest hour, through the most aggressive pain, Christ stands triumphant as the glorious God-man. Listen to the message (2nd...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Just as God spoke the universe into being, He also speaks life out of nothing into a dead soul through the gospel. This life grants the ability to see the glory of God in the face of Christ; and what a glory that is! Listen to the message (Message...[ abbreviated | read entire ]