It didn’t matter that Miriam was one of the leaders of Israel with her brothers, Moses and Aaron. With leprosy covering her from head to toe, she was as good as dead. This was the awful price she paid for speaking against Moses because of his... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Is it right to call out a spiritual leader on account of his or her sin? The Apostle Paul did. Ananias, the Jewish high priest who presided over Paul’s trial in Jerusalem, commanded a few bystanders to strike Paul in the mouth after he... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Would you come to a church because of the message on its sign? Many churches are hoping you will. Here are some of the best messages which have been posted: “All services are different. We leave the repeats to TV.” “There are some questions... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Ignorance is not something of which to be proud. After seeing that she was running low on cash, Ms. Ignorance decided to go into the handyman business. She rang the doorbell at one house, and a man answered. Ms. Ignorance offered to help with... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
You need life-saving surgery. There are only two surgeons in the country who can help you. One surgeon has performed 10 operations, but only 2 of them have been successful. The other surgeon has performed 13 operations with 11 successful. Who... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Why is today called “New Year’s Day”? The commissioners of a large prison in Ohio besought the governor to pardon five convicts for good behavior. Their request was granted. At the end of six months, 1,100 prisoners crowded inside the... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Have you ever wondered how you can show love to people you’d love to hate? A young Indian chief heard the gospel and accepted Christ. Shortly afterward, a member of a neighboring tribe killed his father. The chief confronted the guilty man... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
The fickleness of human nature makes us leery of doing anyone a favor. Our kindness is often either forgotten or used against us. Confused, confined to prison on false charges, and emotionally wounded, Joseph could have bitterly refused to... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Joe remembered landing on his arm with a thud and screaming in pain as it snapped. He remembered how his fragile, fifth-grade body trembled as tears flowed freely. The man mentally replayed his painful childhood accident. But he remembered... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
The one person standing between you and a jolly Christmas could be in the mirror. Clyde and his wife, June, had been married for many years when Clyde began to notice June’s hearing was fading. He didn’t want to talk with her directly about... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]