Is Popery the Antichrist? or The Tendency of Prophecy to Describe Things According to the Reality, Rather that the Appearance or Profession by Patrick Fairbairn (Classic Protestant Historicism demonstrating why both futurism and preterism are...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Westminster Assembly: Exclusive Psalmody & Instrumental Music in Public Worship Many Church History Quotes Against Instrumental Music In Public Worship Dabney's Review of Girardeau's Instrumental Music in Public Worship (1889), By Robert Lewis...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Arminianism In Worship Is Idolatry, Will Worship & Leads To the Papal Antichrist TOP TEN PURITAN HARD DRIVE REVIEWS (so far!) Puritan & Reformed Quotes On Providence: Watson, Spurgeon, Rutherford, Comfort in Sickness and Death...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Puritan Quotes On God's Glory In Christ, God's Attributes (Perfections), Etc. The Supremacy of God, By A.W. Pink (Reformed Quote By Pink, With Much Free!) Cornerstone of Reformation With Which the Great Battle of Protestantism Was Won! R.L. Dabney...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Reformation, Restoration Prophets: Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, by Pastor Jim Dodson (23 Free SWRB MP3s, Classic Reformation Historicism and Postmillennialism, With Many Comments On the Millennium) Top Ten Puritan Hard Drive Reviews (So Far)...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Prophecy shows that a time is coming when the Kingdom of Christ shall triumph over all opposition and prevail in all the world - The 1901 Testimony of the Reformed Presbyterian Church (Reformed...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
John Calvin Reformation Quotes: How Modern Calvinists Worship Like Papists (Roman Catholics) "All human inventions which are set up to corrupt the simple purity of the Word of God, and to undo the worship which he demands and approves, are true...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Recent Creation Is A Vital Doctrine By Henry Morris & Free Creationist Resources Reformation Quotes On God's Decree, Predestination and Reformed Theology The Shocking Editing Of John Calvin's Commentaries Regarding Birth Control Puritan &...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Is Arminianism A Damnable Heresy?, by Pastor Stephen Prib bleht tps:/ /all- of-gr ace.o rg/pu b/pri bble/ damna ble.h tml "The Papists' hold that man, through his own free will, returns to God; and on this point is our greatest contest with them at this...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
**** Puritan Quotes & Donation To Spread God's Truth To All Nations Through Still Waters Revival Books (SWRB) **** We (SWRB) have a very big idea that, Lord willing, will spread the Reformed Faith faster, further and at a lower cost (and maybe...[ abbreviated | read entire ]