A local businessman, a local councillor and steeped in Orangism in his native City of Liverpool, Phil knew about the LORD but never knew Christ personally. The LORD in mercy moved in his life and saved him, now he serves as an elder in our Church...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Saved early in life and thus spared the sorrows and heartaches of this sin blighted world. However, taking your stand as a Christian brings its own sorrows and difficulties. Rev. Beggs will share with us the importance of taking your stand for...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
As a teenager Thomas joined a proscribed organisation. He was arrested, charged and sentenced to a lengthy prison term. It was while on the 'non conforming protest' in the Maze Prison that Thomas was brought to know the Lord Jesus Christ as his...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
On 2nd March 2008 Dr John Douglas launched his book on Psalm 119. Details of the launch can be found on the external web-link below. The book was based upon a series preached in the year 2000 in Lisburn Free Presbyterian Church. This series is...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
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